მედიცინის ფაკულტეტს 7-9 ივნისს სტუმრობდა პოლონელი პროფესორი, ლოძის სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის კარდიოლოგიის დეპარტამენტის ხელმძღვანელი, პროფესორი იაროსლავ კასპზაკი.
პროფესორმა იაროსლავმა ჩაატარა ლექციები მედიცინის ფაკულტეტის პროფესორების, მოწვეული ლექტორებისთვის და სტუდენტებისთვის.
7 ივნისი - "Updates in clinical cardiology - heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension – diagnosis and management".
8 ივნისი - "Complex clinical cases in modern cardiology".
9 ივნისს ჩატარდა მასტერკლასი ექოკარდიოგრაფიაში - "3D echo - Strain rate".
Georgia always seemed as a fascinating country to me. Georgian and Polish people appear to have a special spiritual proximity and sympathy. This was my second visit to Georgia and on both occasions I only received the best hospitality and friendliness from the locals which only enhances the impressive impression of the rich history and culture of Georgia (not forgetting wonderful nature!). Of course this year’s visit was a professional one and it was exciting to tighten cooperation with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – the institution of such a unique importance for Georgian science and culture.
This scientific visit supported from the Erasmus university exchange program was meant to help share experiences and scientific interests between Georgian and Polish cardiologists, and to meet the students studying medicine in Tbilisi. I was impressed to learn Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University as a bustling mixture of history and modernity with state-of-the-art organization of medical teaching and multinational, culturally diverse students community – with strong interest for modern cardiology!
The visit also created an interesting opportunity to exchange experiences with Georgian cardiologists and it's just reinforced my feeling that the modern science and medicine is uniform even though some local variability exists between the countries. We had the opportunity to discuss cutting edge problems in the management of heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, compare our handling of complex clinical cases and also to test the most modern diagnostic features in echocardiography. I think that the time spent together was very fruitful for both sides - in my opinion academic community in Georgia is very similar to Polish and I'm just happy to see the progress in cooperation between Medical University of Lodz and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. I'm convinced that both sides can learn from each other sharing the same desire to improve our skills, expertise and also experience in best teaching practices such as very well organized OSCE examination infrastructure I had the chance to see in Tbilisi. Finally, I wish my Georgian colleagues both teaching staff and students the best possible progress in the future and I'm convinced that their enthusiasm and professionalism create the best possible opportunities. Hopefull, the future will bring even more occasions for our universities to cooperate.
Last but not least, I have to emphasize the personal efforts and dedication of professor Maia Bitskinashvili to build this relationship between Universities in Tbilisi and Lodz and create the best possible opportunities and atmosphere during my stay in Georgia.
Thank you very much for inviting me to Tbilisi!